Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (2024)


Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (1)

Not only can you play SRB2 alone, but with a network connection or in splitscreen, your friends as well! SRB2’s multiplayer features eight different gametypes.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (2)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (3)COOPERATIVE: Play through the single player game as a group. Team up by playing as Tails and carry your friends over obstacles.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (4)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (5)COMPETITIVE: Just like Sonic 2’s split screen mode, each player runs through the stage, collecting as much stuff as possible. When one player has completed the stage, the rest of the players in the game have 60 seconds to complete the stage or they will die and the round will end. At the end of the round, players will be ranked in the following five categories:
  • Score – The player with the most points wins this category.
  • Time – The player who beat the stage the fastest wins this category.
  • Ring – The player who completed the stage with the most rings wins this category.
  • Total Ring – The player who picked up the most rings wins this category. Rings lost to enemies and hazards still count towards this score.
  • Item Box – The player who broke the most powerup monitors wins this category.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (6)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (7)RACE: A straight race to the finish! When one player has completed the stage, the rest of the players in the game have 60 seconds to complete the stage or they will die and the round will end. Best time wins!

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (8)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (9)MATCH: It’s a free for all battle, and the one with the most points wins! Run around picking up rings to hurl at your opponent. Special weapon rings allow for even more extreme shots. Points are given depending on the status of your target:
  • Rings or Shield – 50 pts.
  • No Rings or Shield – 100 pts.

The player with the most points at the end of the round wins the round.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (10)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (11)TEAM MATCH: Play match on teams, and the team with the biggest total score wins. Scoring is the same as match mode.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (12)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (13)TAG / HIDE & SEEK: One player is it, and can tag others either by throwing a ring, or by touching them. Hiding players gain score for the time they avoid getting detected, and players who are it gain points for tagging other players. In Tag mode, players hit by the it player become hit themselves. In Hide & Seek, players are given a small amount of time to hide and then cannot move, and do not become it when hit.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (14)

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (15)CAPTURE THE FLAG: Just like the popular first person shooter mode, but with SRB2’s mechanics. Grab the opposing team’s flag and bring it back to your base while your own team’s flag is in the base to score a point for your team. While holding the flag, you can’t use double jump abilities, so be careful.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (16)

Special Ring Weapons

In certain multiplayer games, you can use the following match weapons to change the kind of rings you throw. Make sure you grab the weapon, the ammo, and have rings or else it won’t fire.

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (17)RED RING: This is your default weapon. It can’t be dropped and can be upgraded the the infinity ring powerup, which makes it not cost rings to fire.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (18)AUTOMATIC: Hold down the fire key for a constant stream of rings. Watch out to make sure you don’t run out, though.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (19)BOUNCE: This shot will bounce off walls, ceilings, and floors for a bit before disappearing. Great for firing around corners and in small rooms.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (20)EXPLOSION: When this ring hits the target, it explodes in a fireworks-like display. This shot is so powerful that the target gets knocked back farther than normal.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (21)GRENADE: Fires a bouncy grenade that explodes when it strikes a player or runs out of time. Great for guarding CTF bases and for chucking in places where you expect the opponent will run.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (22)RAIL: Snipe at your enemies with this instant-hit weapon! Players hit with this weapon get knocked back farther than normal.
Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (23)SCATTER: Fires five rings that spread out as they fly forward. The distance the opponent flies when hit varies depending on how far the shot traveled in the air. At point-blank range, scatter will send the opponent flying across the stage, leaving their items easily taken.

If you are hit while carrying any of these special rings, they will be dropped. Pick them up quickly to keep your opponents from stealing them!

Multiplayer « Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (24)

Multiplayer «  Sonic Robo Blast 2 – Official Website (2024)


How to do Multiplayer in SRB2? ›

Option a) Go to the Multiplayer menu, and hover over the "Specify server address" option. Type in the IP address of the person hosting the game you want to join and then press Enter.

Is Sonic Robo Blast 2 complete? ›

SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. While SRB2 isn't fully completed, it already features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided.

Does Sonic Robo Blast 2 have online Multiplayer? ›

Not only can you play SRB2 alone, but with a network connection or in splitscreen, your friends as well! SRB2's multiplayer features eight different gametypes.

How do you unlock Amy in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

Amy Rose. Amy is the first of the three unlockable characters. She is unlocked by completing Frozen Hillside Zone, which is itself unlocked after earning five emblems. She does not have a Spindash, so she can't roll under small gaps and instead uses her hammer to attack enemies.

How do I open GL mode in SRB2? ›

The OpenGL renderer can be enabled with the command line parameter -opengl . Since v2. 1, SRB2 comes with a batch file that automatically starts the game in OpenGL mode.

What does the ultimate cheat do in SRB2? ›

Ultimate Cheat: This is a prank dating back to SRB1 that simply closes the game upon selecting it. Because the name suggests a powerful cheat, an in-joke developed around it where community members would tell new players that the ultimate cheat only works when bizarre or impossible requirements are met.

Is Sonic Robo Blast 2 a fangame? ›

Sonic Robo Blast 2 (often abbreviated SRB2) is a platform game made within id Software's Doom engine. It is a free Sonic the Hedgehog fan game inspired by the original Sega Genesis games that "attempts to recreate their design in 3D", and was the first fan-made 3D Sonic game created.

How to kick people in SRB2? ›

kick <playername/node> [<reason>]

Kicks the specified player out of a netgame. Optionally, a reason can be supplied as a second parameter which will be displayed to the player.

How does Sonic 2 multiplayer work? ›

Tails and the second player can collect rings, kill enemies, and fly around behind Sonic. If Sonic dies; however, both characters die. Sonic 2 and, Sonic 3 & Knuckles have a competitive mode where players can race against each other instead of playing cooperatively. This only works for two players in a local co-op.

How do you unlock Eggman Nega? ›

However, Eggman Nega is only playable in the Nintendo 3DS version, and, like Espio, he only participates in the Long Jump and Long Jump Plus events. He is also unlockable, being unlocked by beating him in the Long Jump Plus event in the Road to Rio mode.

What is Amy's ability Sonic? ›

By harnessing different variants of Hyper-go-on from Wisps, Amy can use specific Color Powers to transform into a certain form, such as a drill, a laser or even a planet, each one possessing its own unique abilities. So far, Amy has been able to transform into the Cyan Laser, Yellow Drill and Indigo Asteroid.

What is the secret code in Sonic 2? ›

Sonic the Hedgehog 2/Cheats
  • Level Select. go on Sound Test heres are the codes : 19, 65, 09, 17 to unlock the level select in the title screen if you unlock it hold A and press START.
  • Debug Mode. 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04 to unlock it!
  • All Chaos Emeralds. 04, 01, 02, 06 to unlock them!

How do you start a Multiplayer game in Endless Space 2? ›

You create a game like normal. On the left side in 'Session'. There should be a drop down menu somewhere that allows you to switch it from "Single player" to Multiplayer-Public or Multiplayer-Private.

How to play with friends on srb2kart? ›

  1. Open the game you want to host.
  2. Open Autopunch and "punch" your game.
  3. Check your IP and/or port.
  4. Send your IP to the people you want to play with.
  5. Wait for them to join.
Aug 2, 2022

How do you play Multiplayer on Sonic 2? ›

Press the D-Button DOWN on the Title screen to choose "2 Player VS." Then press Start. 2. Use the D-Button to select 1 of the 3 Zones or the Special Stage on the next screen. Sonic and "Tails" race through the same Zone on a split screen.

How to do Multiplayer in Sonic Forces? ›

There's no co-op in Forces. The closest thing it has is the Avatar stages giving you the option to borrow someone else's created character online for them to swap during Avatar stages.

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