Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (2025)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (1)


Design and content on SRB2is copyright 1998-2003 by Sonic Team Junior. All non-original material in this game iscopyrighted by their respective owners, and no copyright infringement is intended. Thisgame's staff make no profit whatsoever (in fact, we lose money). THIS GAME SHOULD NOT BE SOLD FOR ANYCOST WHATSOEVER! SonicTeam Junior is in no way affiliated with Sega or Sonic Team.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (2)Thank youfor installing SRB2! This fan created tribute game to one of the greatest videogame series has been over 5 years in the making. Before you begin play, please note thesystem requirements below to make sure you have an enjoyable experience.

System Requirements

Minimum Spec (320x200):

  • Intel Pentium II 300mhz or better*
  • 64mb RAM
  • 50mb free disk space (2mb free during play)
  • DirectX 3 or better compliant video (90 megapixels/sec or better for OpenGL)
  • DirectX 3 compliant sound

Recommended Spec (640x400):

  • Intel or AMD 700mhz or better*
  • 64mb RAM
  • 50mb free disk space (2mb free during play)
  • DirectX 3 or better compliant video (180 megapixels/sec or better for OpenGL)
  • DirectSound compatible sound card

SRB2 will run on lesser machines, but is generally not recommended.

Hardware-accelerated video via OpenGL is available. While not as complete as thesoftware renderer, it may be a good choice for those with less powerful machines toachieve acceptable performance. This is enabled by using the manual parameter"-opengl", or checking the OpenGL box in the launcher.

* NiGHTS levels will require roughly double the CPU power.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (3)


SRB2 is designed for 320x200, 640x400 (not 640x480), and 1280x800 (if available) operation. Other display modes are available only if you are having trouble running any of these three. Stability and proper appearance is not guaranteed when running in other display modes.


There are many items you will encounter throughout the game that Sonicand his friends can use to their advantage. Below is a short summary of the most commonones you will find.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (4)


The main lifeline for Sonic & Co. Your collection of rings will scatter when hit, but as long as you have one, you cannot be killed (except from a pit or crusher).

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (5) 10 Ring Box

Adds 10 rings to your cache

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (6) 25 Ring Box

Adds 25 rings to your cache

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (7) Basic Shield

Protects you from one hit

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (8) Magnetic Shield

This will attract nearby rings. Don't go too deep in the water, or you'll short it out!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (9) Elemental Shield

Allows you to breathe underwater and swim in dangerous chemicals.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (10) Armaggeddon Shield

Press the spin button while jumping to wipe out all enemies within its blast radius. Also activates if you are hit.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (11) Inferno Shield

Protects you from lava and assorted firey projectiles. Spindash to leave a flaming trail that will damage your enemies! Don't go too deep in water, or it will be extinguished.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (12) Invincibility

Makes you invincible for 20 seconds.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (13) Super Sneakers

Increases your speed for 20 seconds.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (14) Teleporter Scramble

In multiplayer, this will scramble the positions of all players in the game.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (15) Eggman

Harms your player. Watch out!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (16) Random Item

What's in the box? Only way to find out is to open it!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (17)

Warp Token

At the end of the act, you will be taken to a special stage, giving you the chance to snatch one of the Chaos Emeralds back from Dr. Eggman's grasp! There are at least one of these in each act.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (18) Emblem

These are hidden in every act, except ones where you have to confront Eggman. Different ones appear depending on which character you play as. Getting enough of these will unlock special bonuses! You may obtain more by meeting special criteria, such as completing the game with all of the chaos emeralds. When you've picked up these emblems, they will disappear. If you find them again in a new game, they will be faded, indicating that you have already obtained that emblem. Check the statistics to see which emblems are missing from your collection.

Special Multiplayer Items

In certain multiplayer games, you can use the following powerups to change the kind of rings you throw. Combine them all to make the ultimate weapon!

Be careful though, all of them have a time limit.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (19)


Hold down the THROW key for a constant stream of rings.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (20)


When this ring hits a wall, it scatters rings everywhere in a fireworks-like display.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (21)


This ring will be hot on the trail of your enemies in no time! It is a lot slower, however.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (22)


Snipe at your enemies with this instant-hit weapon!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (23)


Gives you an infinite supply of rings.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (24)

If you are hit while carrying any of these special rings, they will be dropped. Pick them up quickly to keep your opponents from stealing them!

Special Moves

Sonic and his friends each have abilities unique to themselves. Below isa summary of each character's special moves.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (25)

Air Spin Attack

While jumping, press the jump button again to hurl Sonic forward in a burst of speed.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (26) Fly

While jumping, press the jump button repeatedly to fly for a short time. If you are playing with a friend, fly over them to pick them up for a ride!


While underwater, press the jump button repeatedly to swim for a short time. Just like flying, you can pick up others to give them a lift.



While jumping, press and hold the jump button again to glide. Use the directional keys to steer.


If you collide with a wall while gliding, Knuckles will latch onto it. Use the directional keys to move along the wall. Press the jump button to release and turn around, or press the spin button to release while still facing the wall.

Skill Levels

SRB2 gives you four different skill levels to choose from.

This skill level gives you 5 lives and 2 continues, with fewer enemies. Some rewards are not given on this skill level. It is intended only for getting used to the game.
This skill level is recommended for most players. This gives you 3 lives, a single continue and gives you the normal gameplay experience.
This skill level is recommended to those who are familiar with SRB2. This gives you 3 lives and no continues. The amount of enemies in levels have increased, and some traps and obstacles will be more difficult.
This skill level is recommended for those seeking a challenge. It is identical to hard mode with the exception that you start with only one life, and you cannot pick up rings that have been spilled. Who knows what will be waiting for you at the end of this...?

Basic Gameplay

Your main objective is to stop Eggman's plans for world domination. The game is set over nine zones ranging from green fields and ancient sunken cities to raging volcanoes and the Black Rock itself. Each zone is split up into three acts, the third one being a battle against Dr. Eggman in one of his powerful machines.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (27)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (28)

When you encounter enemies, to defeat them, simply use your spin attack by jumping. Enemies can also be destroyed by spinning through them along the ground. Knuckles can even glide through his enemies.
However, beware! You are not invulnerable and, unless you have at least one ring, an enemy will kill you on contact, or if you are hit by one of their attacks. If you get hit by an enemy while you have rings, you will survive, but your rings will be dropped and scattered. You can pick them back up again, but only if you are quick; rings will dissapear after a few seconds have elapsed! You can find out how many rings you have in the top-left hand part of the screen.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (29)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (30)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (31)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (32)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (33)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (34)

You can also obtain shields, which will dissapate to protect you if you are hit by a robot or an attack. Some shields have additional powers, which were described above, along with other power-ups you can obtain.
Getting killed by a robot or by other hazards (described below) will result in the loss of one life - keep an eye on your lives in the bottom left hand side of the screen - losing all of your lives will end your game (unless you have a continue)!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (35)


The following is a description of several objects or environments youwill encounter.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (36)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (37)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (38)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (39)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (40)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (41)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (42)Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (43)


These springs will bounce you in the direction they are pointing. There are two varieties, yellow and red. The red spring is much stronger than the yellow spring. Beware though, as some springs may throw you headlong into trouble!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (44)

Floating Platforms

These platforms may move up and down, allowing you to hitch a ride. Careful timing may be needed to leap from one platform to the next.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (45)


Powerful fans swirl around at a high speed and produces a power blast of wind. It is advised to be careful on these, as it is easy to go flying off the fans and into danger!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (46)

Conveyor Belts

Found in most of Eggman's factories, these conveyor belts are used to quickly transport robotic components and robots. While you can also make use of them, be alert! Eggman has changed the movements of them to lead an unwary player into a trap!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (47)


All three characters can go underwater, but movement is greatly slowed down, and only Tails can swim. Bear in mind that you cannot breathe while you are underwater and must make use of the air pockets that are found bubbling out of cracks in the floor. A countdown will appear if you are dangerously close to running out of air. If time runs out, you will drown and lose a life.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (48)


This is largely predominant in zones where Eggman has been at work, such as the Techno Hill Zone. You can wade in it, but don't get in too deep! The only way to safely swim is with an elemental shield.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (49)


These traps are lethal and will immediately kill anyone trapped under one - even invincibility will not protect you here.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (50)

Deep Pits

Like crushers, these traps immediately take one life and invincibility is useless.


Not only can you play SRB2 alone, but with a network connection, yourfriends as well!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (51)


Similar to a single player game, you can play through the single player levels together. Up to 32 players allowed, but a maximum of 8 is suggested.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (52)


It's a free for all, and the one with the most points wins! Run around picking up rings to hurl at your opponent. Points are given depending on the status of your target:

Shield - 25 pts.
No Shield w/ Rings - 50 pts.
No Shield, No Rings - 100 pts.

Press the "Rankings" key to view scores. Up to a maximum of 32 players allowed.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (53)


Just like Sonic 2's split screen mode, each player must race to the end of the level. Things you get along the way, such as your score, rings, and boxes, also add up to your total at the end.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (54)


You're it! Up to 32 people can play in this touch-and-run frenzy! One player is it, and can tag others either by throwing a ring, or by touching them. You become it once you're hit. In some levels there is a no-tag zone, but don't stay in there too long! You gain points by avoiding a tag each time one occurs.

Press the "Rankings" key to view scores. Up to a maximum of 32 players allowed.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (55)

Capture the Flag

Just like the popular FPS game, but with a platforming twist! Choose a team - Red or Blue. Grab the opposing team's flag and bring it back to your base. As an added challenge, if you reclaim your flag, you have to bring it back to your base - it won't return automatically.

Press the "Rankings" key to view scores. Up to a maximum of 32 players allowed.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (56)


An endless horde of enemies. Can you survive? Try to get the highest score in the time limit!

Press the "Rankings" key to view scores. Up to a maximum of 32 players allowed.

You'll notice that in the LEVEL NAME, after thelevel, are letters in parenthesis. This tells you what kind of level it is.


= Cooperative/Single Player

R = Race

M = Match

T = Tag

F = Capture the Flag

A = Chaos

Special Multiplayer Console Commands

Multiplayer can make heavy use of the console, and you may find severalcommands to your advantage. Please refer to the Console Command Summary below.

SRB2 uses ports 5029 and 5030 for network communication using the UDPprotocol.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (57)

Sonic and friends immediately set out for the Greenflower Zone. Luckily, you've reached this green haven before Eggman has had a chance to completely take control. Whilst exploring this level, keep your eyes peeled for anything hidden among the foilage... including robots!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (58)

Once a beautiful landscape, Eggman has turned this into a slime-ridden mess. You'll eventually reach the factory, and once inside, you'll have to negotiate lasers and crushers that have been installed to stop your progress. Finally, a battle will ensue on a high speed rail cart...

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (59)

Having retreated here, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles must launch a full-scale assault on this castle and defeat Eggman, who is residing in the lower levels. Not only is this castle guarded by a huge wall, but Eggman has laid several traps inside that will catch you off guard!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (60)

??? -
More hidden levels are waiting to be unlocked... can you find them?


The following are the default controls and their definition. You canchange the controls by going to Options/Setup Controls in the menu. The split screenplayer's control setup can be found under Multiplayer/Setup Player 2.

Ring Throw

Default Key: CTRL

If in a multiplayer game that permits it, this button throws a ring.

Default Key: , (comma)

If in a multiplayer game, this key throws one of four random taunts at your opponents, providing they exist for your character. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles do not have taunts.

Default Key: . (period)

If standing still, this will rev a spindash. If you are moving and on the ground, you will go into a spin.

Default Key: /

Makes your player jump.

Default Key: Up

Moves your player forward.

Default Key: Down

Moves your player in reverse.
Turn Left

Default Key: Left

Turns your player left.
Turn Right

Default Key: Right

Turns your player right.

Default Key: Shift

Hold this down while moving to go slower.
Strafe On

Default Key: ALT

Hold this down to use the Left and Right keys to strafe.
Strafe Left

Default Key: )

Makes your player sidestep to the left.
Strafe Right

Default Key: (

Makes your player sidestep to the right.
Look Up

Default Key: PageUp

Tilts the camera upward.
Look Down

Default Key: PageDown

Tilts the camera downward.
Center View

Default Key: End

Centers the camera view.

Default Key: S

When held down, use the mouse to move your view.
Talk Key

Default Key: T

Talk to other players in the game.

Default Key: Tab

View current scores/statistics.

Default Key: ~

Brings down the console. For advanced users only.
Rotate Camera L

Default Key: O

Rotates the camera left.
Rotate Camera R

Default Key: P

Rotates the camera right.
Reset Camera

Default Key: C

Resets the camera if it gets stuck.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (61)

You can also use a joystick with SRB2! Press the console button, and type in "USE_JOYSTICK" (without quotes). It will display a list of joysticks/gamepads attached to your PC, with a number next to each one. Type in "USE_JOYSTICK x" (no quotes), where x is the number of the joystick or gamepad you wish to use.
If you have an analog joystick/gamepad, you are welcome to try the "Analog Control" option in the Options menu. In collaboration with the Rotate Camera L and R buttons, you may prefer this method of control over the standard one. Available in single player and split-screen, but not network games.

Console Command Summary


CONNECT <ip> Connects to the specified IP address. If no IP is specified, it will search on the LAN for a game.
KICK <name or node #> Kicks a player in the current game (server only).
GETPLAYERNUM Lists all of the players in the game, their number in the array, and their node #s.
SAVE <slot> <description> Saves your game.
LOAD <slot> Loads a saved game.
TUNES <slot> Temporarily changes the game music.
DISPLAYPLAYER Displays the number of the current player being displayed.
LISTSERV Retrieves a list of games currently running if the master list is active.
NODES Lists all of the players in the game and their node #s.
SCREENSHOT Takes a screenshot of the game. Useful to bind a key to.
CHANGECONFIG <filename> Saves the current config and loads another.
LOADCONFIG <filename> Loads a new config without saving.
SAVECONFIG <filename> Saves the current configuration.


Manually changes the controls of 1P and 2P. See config.cfg for an example.
CHATMACRO Type in HELP CHATMACRO for more information.
QUIT Exits the game.
PAUSE Pauses the game.
ADDFILE <filename> Adds a file to the game.
EXITLEVEL Exits the current level.
EXITGAME Exits the current game.
MAP MAPxx (01-99) Changes the level.
STOPDEMO Stops the currently running demo.
TIMEDEMO Plays back a demo at full speed. Useful for benchmarking.
PLAYDEMO Plays back a recorded demo.
CHANGETEAM x (1 or 2) Changes the current CTF team you are on. (1=Red, 2=Blue)
BIND <key> <command> Binds a command to a key.
CLS Clears the console buffer.
TOGGLE Type HELP TOGGLE for more information
HELP Provides help.
WAIT Waits a certain number of game tics before executing the next command.
EXEC <filename> Executes a console script.
ECHO Echos whatever you type.
ALIAS Creates an alias. Type HELP ALIAS for more information.
SAYTEAM <message> Sends a message to your team.
SAYTO <playername> <message> Sends a message to this player.
SAY <message> Sends a message to everyone.
MEMFREE Displays memory usage statistics.


SV_MAXPLAYERS (on/off) Sets the maximum number of players allowed to be in this game.
SV_ALLOWNEWPLAYERS (on/off) Allow new players to join or not. Setting this to NO forces them to wait until the next map change.
SURROUND (on/off) Toggles DirectSound3D acceleration.
PRECACHESOUND (on/off) Tells the game to precache sound or not before playing.
STEREOREVERSE (on/off) Toggles reverse stereo mode.
CAM_ROTSPEED <integer>

CAM2_ROTSPEED <integer>

Changes the rotation speed of the camera.
CAM_ROTATE <integer>

CAM2_ROTATE <integer>

Changes the angle of the camera's rotation.
CAM_SPEED <integer>

CAM2_SPEED <integer>

Changes the speed of the camera.
CAM_HEIGHT <integer>

CAM2_HEIGHT <integer>

Changes the height of the camera.
CAM_STILL (on/off)

CAM2_STILL (on/off)

Forces the camera angle to freeze in place.
CAM_DIST <integer>

CAM2_DIST <integer>

Changes the distance of the camera.
ALLOWMLOOK Allow players to mouselook in a netgame (server only)
SONICCD (on/off) An alternate mode of death for enemies.
CHASECAM (on/off)

CHASECAM2 (on/off)

Turns the camera on and off.
GRAVITY <decimal value> Changes the gravity when allowed.
TRANSLUCENCY (on/off) Turns sprite translucency on and off.
SND_CHANNELS <integer> Sets the number of sound channels.
MUSICVOLUME <integer> Changes the music volume.
SOUNDVOLUME <integer> Changes the sound volume.
ALLOWTEAMCHANGE (yes/no) Allows players to change teams in CTF. (server only)
ALLOWAUTOAIM (yes/no) Allows players to use autoaim. (server only)
ALLOWEXITLEVEL (yes/no) Allows players to exit the level. (server only)
SHOWMESSAGES (on/off) Suppresses or enables some screen messages.
GAMMA <integer> Changes the gamma level.


Changes your preferred CTF team. Set this BEFORE joining a CTF game. You will not necessarily get the team you prefer to be on.
COLOR <colorname>

COLOR2 <colorname>

Changes your player's color
NAME <name>

NAME2 <name>

Changes your player's name.
SKIN <name>

SKIN2 <name>

Changes your player's character.
FORCESKIN (on/off) Forces all players in the game to use the character that the server is using. (server only)
PLAYDEMOSPEED <integer> Changes the speed at which a demo is played back.
NETSTAT (on/off) Shows network statistics.
TIMELIMIT <integer> Sets a time limit for multiplayer levels. (server only)
INTTIME <integer> Changes the intermission time in multiplayer levels. (server only)
AUTOCTF (yes/no) Auto-sorts people on teams as they join. (server only)
TIMETIC (on/off) Displays the time in game tics.
SERVERNAME <name> Changes the name of the server.
INTERNETSERVER (yes/no) Enables or disables advertising of the game on the master list.
VID_WAIT (on/off) Enables/Disables V-Sync.
VID_TICRATE (on/off) Shows game speed stats on a graph.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (62)

There are many add-ons and extra goodies for SRB2! Visit the Addonssection at for a large cache of downloads.


Have a problem? Question? Can't get SRB2 to work? Stop by the Forum at and ask. Someone will be glad to help you workthrough the problem.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Manual (2025)


Is Sonic Robo Blast 2 complete? ›

SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. While SRB2 isn't fully completed, it already features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided.

How to get devmode in SRB2? ›

Either the decimal or hexadecimal values can be used with the devmode command – e.g. devmode 4095 (or devmode 0xFFF ) will turn all of development mode's features on, and devmode 0 will turn all of them off. Displays basic information on the HUD, such as the player's map coordinates and angle.

How do you unlock Amy Rose in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

Amy is the first of the three unlockable characters. She is unlocked by completing Frozen Hillside Zone, which is itself unlocked after earning five emblems. She does not have a Spindash, so she can't roll under small gaps and instead uses her hammer to attack enemies.

How do you get the special stage in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

Special Stages can be accessed by collecting emerald tokens, which are hidden in every non-boss map of the main Single Player campaign.

Is Sonic Robo Blast 2 still being updated? ›

Sonic Robo Blast 2 started development later on in 1998, and has received updates since then, culminating in the release of version 2.2 in 2019. As of August 2024, its development is ongoing.

How long does it take to beat Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

7 Hours
Main Story122h 41m
Main + Extras104h 14m
Completionist448h 28m
All PlayStyles2610h 19m

What is the secret code in Sonic 2? ›

Sonic the Hedgehog 2/Cheats
  • Level Select. go on Sound Test heres are the codes : 19, 65, 09, 17 to unlock the level select in the title screen if you unlock it hold A and press START.
  • Debug Mode. 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04 to unlock it!
  • All Chaos Emeralds. 04, 01, 02, 06 to unlock them!

How old is Amy Rose Sonic? ›

She was described to be 12 years old in Sonic CD, but from Sonic Adventure onward she has grown older, to the age of 29. Also, with the addition of Cream the Rabbit, Amy seems to have found herself a sidekick similar to Sonic's Tails (as implied in Sonic Battle, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Advance 3, and Shadow the Hedgehog).

Is Sonic Robo Blast 2 a Doom mod? ›

Sonic Robo-Blast 2 (or SRB2 for short) is a free, fan-made Sonic the Hedgehog game using a modified version of the Doom engine, based on Doom Legacy (in Active Development since 1998).

How do you unlock Fang in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

In SRB2, he appears as the boss of Arid Canyon Zone Act 3, where the player fights him on the train from the end of Arid Canyon Zone Act 2. After defeating him, he is then unlocked as a playable character.

How do you activate Super Sonic in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

Sonic transforming into Super Sonic. When given all 7 Chaos Emeralds and 50 rings, Sonic can become Super Sonic by jumping and pressing spin in the air. As Super Sonic, his speed and jump height are increased, and he is completely invincible to everything except drowning, death pits, and getting crushed.

How many levels are in SRB2? ›

Levels. Sonic Robo Blast consists of 12 two-act zones, plus two final boss levels and six additional one-act zones. Each two-act zone features two bosses: a miniboss at the end of the first act and a proper boss at the end of the second act.

How long has SRB2 been in development? ›

SRB2 has been in the works since 1998 and is still incomplete, although the latest version already features a large portion of what is planned for the game.

How do you turn into Super Sonic in Sonic Robo Blast 2? ›

When given all 7 Chaos Emeralds and 50 rings, Sonic can become Super Sonic by jumping and pressing spin in the air. As Super Sonic, his speed and jump height are increased, and he is completely invincible to everything except drowning, death pits, and getting crushed.

Is SRB2 a Doom mod? ›

A common misconception regarding Sonic Robo-Blast 2 is that it is seen as a mod for Doom. However, SRB2 simply runs on the same engine as Doom, and you do not need to own a copy to play the game.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.